E4 has some
highly distinctive and instantly noticeable idents which are more or less key
to the image the channel broadcasts and conveys to it’s audience.
The most
obvious yet sometimes more subconsciously picked up is the use of the colour
purple and light brown in all of the adverts
E4 use this
maybe because it brings a more summer approach to the channel, this keys into
people’s emotional fantasies even if subconsciously triggering a more happy and
cheerful visualization and assumption towards the channel overall. By doing
this E4 are conveying themselves as a happy channel, which will ensure a happy,
relaxing, and enjoyable atmosphere for their viewers. The colour purple
actually means
“Purple is the color of good judgment. It is the color of people
seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surround yourself with purple
you will have peace of mind. Purple is a good color to use in meditation.
Purple has been used to symbolize magic and
mystery, as well as royalty. Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest
and coolest colors, purple is believed to be the ideal color. Most children
love the color purple. Purple is the color most favored by artists. Thursday's
color is purple.” Quoted from: (crystal-cure.com/purple.html)
I believe in using the colour
purple that E4 has conveyed themselves as a very modern and relaxing yet weird
channel where you can find peace of mind as well as things from the boring
usual, which will be of the “New age/era” of television.
Also, by using colours like
brown and gold not only do they match the colour purple in a sleek and elegant
way but they also symbolize a more extra extravagant and expensive way of life;
again keying into people’s natural fantasies.
The ident uses a very
‘united’ logo in which they have cleverly combined the ‘E’ and ‘4’ not only
making the logo smaller and more compact but making it easier to read,
understand and overall more likeable. The logo is purple and white which adds a
young feel to it’s appearance in addition to the already modern layout of E4’s channel.
All of these
elements add to the tone and feel by making it seem like a young, trendy,
bright and relaxing television channel as much as most people seek relaxation
when they turn on their televisions. In doing this has made E4 more of a
‘Young’ (Arguably) type of broadcaster, which appeals to a trendier crowd (Even
having twitter hash tags)
It’s use of
animation also adds to the overall affect on the viewers by using very abstract
and creative approaches to how they deliver their idents to the audience
For instance:
On the other hand, the ident for channel Dave has a modern vintage
setting based around the idea of surrealism. The idents hold humorous
characteristics with a primary purpose of reinforcing the channel’s position
being ‘The home of witty banter’.
The activities in the idents all appear to be fun, out of the ordinary
and have a twist to them, all within an old English mansion.
This theme is reflected by the idents use of colour and dull
post-production colour correction, which add the vintage look to the modern
surreal footage. The ident shows a group of 20-30 year olds taking part in
weird, fun and amusing activities coming across as almost childish which
relates to the witty banter aspect the show uses. This is done through the
dressing up as cowboys and shooting people from canon type of visuals Dave uses
in their ident(s).
The impact on the audience is that it’s humorous elements can arguably
warm the viewer’s mood to the comedy interaction of which Dave specialize in.
Why is it important that TV idents
are distinctive from each other?
It’s important because without idents
having differentiation, telling them apart will become much more of a task
meaning the channel overall will be less memorable and unappealing.
What can a ‘good’ TV ident do, for
the channel?
A good TV Ident can have a huge
impact on it’s viewers by embedding their agenda’s, visual stereotype and name
into the brains of whoever watches the ident putting the company in control and
making keeping the channel hits high/ conveying messages, opinions and mind-
playing brain washing methods easier.
When you are creating an ident for
use on Television what things do you need to be mindful to avoid. List 3
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