Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Identifying and explaining three commonalities of channel Idents (Sue)

Three commonalities of channel idents:
- memorability
- no offensive nature
- Convey channel's values, specialities and appear almost stereotypical to the viewer


A channel's memorability is the decider to if it's audience will pass the ident as unimportant and forget it   within a short time period or just not care. To do so channels try to make their idents as unique and eye catching through the use of visuals, abstract nature and use of colour.

No offensive nature:

This is the use of offensive language, implications or other forms of conveying offensive type of things. This can range from racism, sexism, agism etc. It just in general is something passed off as wrong by society and may gains negative attention which can make an audience complain and be unhappy when viewing and can get the company even sued or taken off-air.

Convey channel's values, specialities and appear almost stereotypical to the viewer:

Conveying the channel's values, specialities is what a company does to show what they channel is based on and often is an implication to the kind of shows, genres and subject matter that can be found on the show. For example, if you have a channel that specializes in nature based documentaries then it would be better to have an ident based on animals or plants rather than an ident based on actions films.

Appearing stereotypical to the viewer is what companies do to help increase how memorable they are to the audience. This can be done through the use of colours, action on screen and text/audio fonts etc.
A good example of this could be E4's use of the colour purple and the use of digital and pixilation animations in majority of their idents.

http://b.vimeocdn.com/ts/184/714/184714816_640.jpg < (e4 ident example)

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